China used in CZ service was CB&Q's "Violets
& Daisies" pattern. Manufactured by Syracuse China,
style was used for many years on numerous Burlington
trains. This list will focus exclusively
on the CZ years of 1949-1970.
1949 - January, 1960
The double letter indicating the
year is accompanied by a number, 1 - 12 indicating
the month of that year. 1 = January, 2 = February,
etc. Syracuse differentiated between their
2 manufacturing facilities by the order of the
code. Fayette Street Plant: YY-1 (year - month),
Court Street Plant: 1-YY (month - year)
Example: A mark of "8-GG" would be August, 1952
from the Court Street Plant (8 = August, the
8th Month, GG = 1952 and code order of 1-YY).
1949 - DD
1950 - EE
1951 - FF
1952 - GG
1953 - HH
1954 - II
1955 - JJ
1956 - KK
1957 - LL
1958 - MM
1959 - NN
1960, January - OO
February, 1960 - June, 1962
A row of dots appears under the logo. The position
of the missing dot indicates the month of manufacture.
1960 February thru December - 89 (Dots)
1961 January thru December - 90 (Dots)
1962 January thru June - 91 (Dots)
Example: A mark of 91 with ••• •••••••• would
indicate April of 1962 (91 = 1962, and the fourth
dot is missing, indicating the fourth month of
July, 1962 - 1970
Month is represented by a letter, A-L, from July
1962 on.
A = January, B = February, C = March, D = April,
E = May, F = June, G = July, H = August, I =
September, J = October, K = November, L = December)
1962 July thru December - 91 (A-L)
1963 - 92 (A-L)
1964 - 93 (A-L)
1965 - 94 (A-L)
1966 - 95 (A-L)
1967 - 96 (A-L)
1968 - 97 (A-L)
1969 - 98 (A-L)
1970 - 99 (A-L)
Example: 92 - G would be July of 1963 (92 = 1963
and G = July).